some usefull Azure Shell 2.0 commands

I’m used to write scripts, and manage environment with PowerShell. But… for longer time new function in Azure RM Portal was unavailable for powershell, only Azure Shell. Beside others: I want to try some other aproach.

It’s quite painful. Mostly on JMESPath queries. Many times I meet case when on portal I see specific machines but on my query - not. :( It’s quite frustrating.


start all VMs in specific resource group

az vm start --ids  $(az vm list --query "[].id" -o tsv -g MYRSG| grep -v horde)

list VMs in specific resource group, whith specific size

az vm list -g MYRSG  --query "[?contains(hardwareProfile.vmSize, 'Basic_A1')]" --out table -d

list VMs in specific resource group, whith specific size, return only IDs

az vm list -g MYRSG  --query "[?contains(hardwareProfile.vmSize, 'Basic_A1')].id" --out tsv

list currently running machines

az vm list -d --query "[?powerState=='VM running']"

via: github azure issues

start all VM in MAILKATLAB resource group which were deallocated and size Basic_A1.

It’s quite tricky: some queries don’t work when –show-details aka -d is not added to command

az vm start --ids  $(az vm list -g MYRSG --query "[?contains(hardwareProfile.vmSize, 'Basic_A1') && powerState == 'VM deallocated'].id" -d -o tsv) -o table

deallocat running machines with specific size

az vm deallocate --ids  $(az vm list -d  --query "[?contains(hardwareProfile.vmSize, 'Basic_A1') && powerState == 'VM running'].id" -o tsv -g MYRSG) -o table

Create VM

in that case I’ve already RSG, also NSG for it, I need only create new machine, register rev-DNS.

az vm create -g MYRSG   --name my99 --image UbuntuLTS --admin-username myadmin --generate-ssh-keys   --size Basic_A0 --nsg MYRSG-nsg --admin-password Some1pass
do az network public-ip update --resource-group MYRSG  --name "my${i}PublicIp" --reverse-fqdn "my${i}"

that script require some fixes. I do some action on portal, some others on Azure CLI 2.0, what is rather not elegant.

See also

Azure Cloud Shell


  • Common Azure CLI 2.0 commands for managing Azure resources


  • Using JMESPath queries with Azure CLI 2.0
Written on January 18, 2018